Open daily 11am-5pm. Now accepting new sharpening orders. Please expect longer processing times through March.
There is NO sheath cover suitable for this knife.
This is a beautiful Blue Steel No. 2 knife. It is very affordable knife considering its specification. You will enjoy cutting things with this very good looking knife! Specifications
Knife Type: Nakiri Knife Steel Type: Blue Steel No.2 Kurouchi Blade Type: Double edged blade Blade Length: 170mm Blade Thickness: 2.0mmBlade Height: 55mm Handle Length: 134mm Weight: 175g
Use & Care
- Do not attempt to cut, hit or chop frozen products or bones. The blade can chip or break. - Hand wash with warm water and towel dry. - Use a sharpening stone to maintain the sharpness of the blade.
It usually takes 2 –4 weeks for us to restock should this item is not available.
A knife is a piece of art that a craftsman puts their heart & soul into.
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